Molly competes in the Junior National Regatta | Highcliffe School

Molly competes in the Junior National Regatta

On the 21st of April, one of our Year 10 students, Molly, competed in the Junior National Regatta for the Wessex Region at the National Water Sports Centre in Nottingham.

"We travelled up on Friday morning and proceeded to get our boats ready for the big race. The centre itself was amazing and we had a chance to watch the Great Britain rowers practicing on the water, an amazing experience and something to aspire to.

While watching some of the Thames and London crews we realised how tough our competition would be, it was a real revelation. Considering how good the competition were the Wessex, team and I were really happy with my seventh position.

It was a great weekend overall and an amazing opportunity to be able to race."

- Molly, Year 10


    Owned by: MWR | Last Published: 01/05/2018 10:44:53 | Next Update: N/A

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