Geography students visit Natural History Museum | Highcliffe School

Geography students visit Natural History Museum

On Wednesday 18th January, Year 8 students went back in time at the Natural History Museum

Our students went to study volcanoes and earthquakes that have happened all around our planet, from recent earthquakes to volcanic eruptions that occurred thousands of years ago!



The students spent the trip learning more about their current topic on Tectonic Hazards and had the chance to go on an earthquake simulator. Students were able to see rocks that had erupted from a volcano and watch video clips from across the world of earthquakes that have changed the shape of our planet.



On top of this, the year 8s were also able to visit the ‘Jurassic’ and ‘Living World’ sections of the museum which included some excellent models of dinosaurs and a life size model of a blue whale!



    Owned by: LDN | Last Published: 06/02/2017 15:11:21 | Next Update: N/A

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