Leeson House Residential A Level Trip | Highcliffe School

Leeson House Residential A Level Trip

Leeson House benefits from being in a superb location for A level fieldwork. We take full advantage of this and over the three day course we visit Kimmeridge Bay, the River Piddle and Studland Beach.

Changes in the A level syllabus have necessitated a more analytical approach to the subject. There is now a clear focus on the application of mathematical skills to interpret data and to link observed patterns to underpinning Biological theory. This change is particularly evident in the Ecology section of the course covered in Year 13 which now requires students to use specific statistical techniques to analyse population data.  This is an area of Biology that is not easy to teach effectively in a classroom and needs to be delivered in a practical context. We are fortunate to have the facilities of Leeson House on our doorstep and the annual Biology residential programme at the centre is a highlight of the A level course.

‘The unique and diverse grounds of Leeson house offered a varied range of habitats which year 13 students were able to visit as part of our fieldwork studies in October. Our guide and teacher, Mike, who had an incredible depth of wildlife knowledge, was crucial in teaching us key information about the local habitats. He coached our groups effectively when we attempted the practical tasks. This is something that we could not access anywhere else in the local area. Mike was fundamental to our learning and I found him to be a huge help when analysing our results; especially when drawing graphs and kite diagrams to visually represent our data.’
Year 13 student



Leeson tutors have extensive knowledge of the surrounding area and are well versed in delivering the practical and theoretical content of A-level fieldwork.  All students were able to attack the sampling work with confidence after being briefed in the field by Mike Gould, the Centre’s lead tutor. The clear enthusiasm of the students as they waded through rivers, splashed in rock pools and trekked across sand dunes was highly impressive. Leeson is a pleasant environment in which to hold a residential trip and we would like to extend our thanks to Leeson House staff for comfortable accommodation and excellent catering - the look on the student’s faces as chocolate cake arrived on the first evening was a particular highlight.



The key benefit of this course is the mastery of a particularly challenging section of the syllabus. All students were able to show superb progress in this regard and it was clear that the well-designed tasks and detailed theory work had enabled everybody to grasp the key theoretical concepts.

“I feel that this experience has given all of Highcliffe Sixth Form A-level Biology students an excellent experience and a chance to learn and engage with many aspects of Biology that they may not have been familiar with before. Collecting data first hand in some of the most dynamic and unique ecological areas in the United Kingdom has increased my knowledge and understanding of the topic, which I feel will be invaluable when sitting my exams in 2017.”
Year 13 A Level Biology student


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