German Olympics | Highcliffe School

German Olympics

On 22nd of April, the Goethe-Institut, London, hosted the UK round of the global German Olympics.

Students sent video applications to participate and the best seven students were invited to their premises in London. James Moses in Year 10 was one of the seven students selected. Below is an account of his visit.

I have just returned from London where I have had an amazing time at the Goethe Institut performing in the International German Olympics.

Early in April I took part in the first round of the competition. I had to do a video presentation in German answering specific questions set by the competition which is held every two years. Some of the questions were quite easy, such as "what is your favourite German word?", but some were much, much harder, for example: "what do you think unites us in Europe?".

I really did not expect to get further than the first round but I was astonished to find out during the Easter holidays that I was one of only seven lucky students selected from the whole of the UK to make it through to the grand final in London.

I stayed in a fantastic hotel in Kensington with some of the other competitors who had flown to London from as far away as Scotland.

On the day we all competed against each other in German and also performed team activities in German. I was the only year 10 student- the rest were all sixth formers- but it did not matter that I was the youngest as we all got on really well. The prize we were all competing for was to spend two weeks in Berlin in July 2016 for the Grand International Final. Sadly I did not win this time, but I hope to have another go in two years time when I am a sixth former.

I had an amazing time in London. I have made some great new friends, learnt loads of German and had a really fantastic time. We were also given loads of Goethe Institut merchandise including T-shirts, notebooks and even sunglasses so I have lots of great souvenirs.

I would like to say a huge thank you to Miss Weidemann for encouraging me to enter the competition and giving me so much help with my German. I could not have done it without her.

- James Moses, Year 10

    Owned by: JWH | Last Published: 19/05/2016 09:15:18 | Next Update: NA

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