Dance Performance Awarded for Excellence | Highcliffe School

Dance Performance Awarded for Excellence

The Rock Challenge performing arts competition tours nationally, providing an opportunity for schools to showcase an eight minute original performance.

Local Dorset schools took part in the regional heat at the Bournemouth Pavilion Theatre on Tuesday 1st March.

Highcliffe School’s entry, entitled ‘Gone in a Heartbeat’, was created with the intent of highlighting symptoms of a sudden cardiac arrest to support the school’s fundraising for a defibrillator.

The narrative follows the main character and all of the pressures and stresses on her heart. Students from Year 7 to Year 13 auditioned for the opportunity to participate in a performing role, whilst other students and staff supported the success of the performance by undertaking backstage roles including hair and make-up, costume, scenery and stage crew.

All areas of the performance were judged with Awards of Excellence given to those with a minimum score of eight marks out of ten. Highcliffe School excelled this year by achieving seven awards in the following categories:

  • Set Design and Function
  • Visual Enhancement
  • Lighting
  • Costuming Character
  • Stage Use
  • Choreography
  • Entertainment.


'We are extremely proud of the outstanding performance given by all students and staff involved'

- Mrs. A. Wills, Curriculum Leader Dance.

    Owned by: AWS | Last Published: 08/03/2016 13:32:15 | Next Update: NA

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