The Tribe is Coming! | Highcliffe School

The Tribe is Coming!

Real Business Coca Cola Challenge

Recently the school offered the above challenge to our Year 10 students. Four teams competed having been given the brief of preparing a new fruit/vegetable based drink that would support a local social enterprise.

Teams worked every lunch for two weeks to prepare their entry and were judged by a panel of teachers who decided that ‘Tribe’ was the winning team.
You can flick through their presentation here.

This entry was then submitted to compete against all other schools in the south west region. I am delighted to announce that for the 3rd year running the team has made it through to the regional final, meaning they were judged to be in the top ten of 49 schools.

The regional final takes place in Bristol on February 11th, where they will be set a completely new challenge. Good luck to them for this.

    Owned by: | Last Published: 30/01/2014 08:08:24 | Next Update: N/A

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