Closer to the Dream | Highcliffe School

Closer to the Dream

Oxbridge Offers!

It seems a long time ago when the Year 12 students were thinking hard about where to continue their education and which university to apply for. After much deliberation and many drafts of personal statements two of our Year 13 students secured an interview at Oxford University in December 2013.

Jacob Brennan applied to St John’s College to read Modern Foreign Languages and Christopher Slade to Keble College to read Mathematics. After several interviews and 3 days on campus they returned with anticipation to await the news of their interview.

On the 8th January 2014 they heard they had been offered a conditional place and were delighted. We wish them every success with their examinations in the summer.

    Owned by: | Last Published: 29/01/2014 15:27:42 | Next Update: N/A

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