Uniform Event | Highcliffe School

Uniform Event

Barretts of Southbourne (Stevensons) will be selling uniform from school on Wednesday 17 July 3.30pm – 6pm.

As ever it is as important for parents to purchase their children's school uniform needs for September as soon as possible, certainly before mid-August when Barretts experience an enormous surge in demand.

This new event will give parents and students the opportunity to try and buy uniform, with advice given from staff if needed. It is hoped that you be able to start the summer holidays knowing that all uniform has been purchased.

Don’t worry if your son or daughter has a growth spurt before the start of the new school year, provided you have proof of purchase Barretts will exchange your items, without quibble.

It is hoped that this new venture, which will be staffed by both Barretts and school staff will be of benefit to parents and help support the task of buying uniform.

    Owned by: | Last Published: 26/06/2013 09:46:58 | Next Update: N/A

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