Art Design Technology Exhibition 2013 | Highcliffe School

Art Design Technology Exhibition 2013

This year the Art Design Technology exhibition has its Private View on 20th June, between 4.30 and 6.30pm.

This event is a fundamental feature of our school year and affords every student the opportunity to exhibit their work in a formal manner.  This helps to recognise the volume of effort and time that is committed, by our students, to the creation of outcomes for the courses that take place in Da Vinci.

Every student who studied for a GCSE or A Level will have their work exhibited.
This year’s exhibition will be even larger than normal as students have created pieces that are more substantial and complex than ever before.
We will also be trialing a new initiative this year where you will be able to scan a QR code alongside some pieces of work to learn a little more about the process that took place to produce the final outcome.

Attendance of the Private View is by invitation but the exhibition will remain up until the last week of term and we would be very happy to welcome visitors during this time, by prior arrangement.

Mr S Nicholls – Senior Curriculum Leader of Art Design and Technology.



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