Arts Award Success | Highcliffe School

Arts Award Success

To achieve the Bronze level all students had to take part in an arts activity, go to a live arts event, research their arts heroes and heroines and complete an arts apprenticeship. All these experiences were recorded and evidenced and our students produced a variety of creative responses to this task. Some of the arts activities undertaken included film making, theatre performances, musical composition, dance, photography, cheer-leading, martial arts, web- site design and even origami!

All work was rigorously examined and the visiting moderator was very impressed by the individualism and creativity demonstrated by our students and the range of arts skills presented and quality of the students’ evidence.
In the moderator’s report he stated, ‘Section C, Arts Heroes and Heroines’ was exceptional: original, mature observations and analysis and no trace of Wikipedia!’

Here are just a few thoughts from the students:
‘The Arts Award gave me the opportunity to experiment without boundaries and to develop my creativity’
‘I really enjoyed sharing my skills with the group and learned a lot from working with other students’
‘I loved going to the live performances and it really helped me analyse my own work’
‘I am pleased to have achieved my Bronze Award and doing the arts apprenticeship has made me realise that I would like to work in the arts’
Congratulations to all students on their achievement!



    Owned by: | Last Published: 22/03/2012 15:08:12 | Next Update: N/A

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