Hengistbury Head field trip | Highcliffe School

Hengistbury Head field trip

Year 9 geographers along with 6 intrepid staff members braved the freezing cold to carry out some physical and human geography.

Ranging poles, clinometers and clipboards were at the ready as students collected primary data to help them assess the impact which that the rock groynes have had on long-shore drift. The students were a credit to Highcliffe and worked diligently to collect all of the data which they needed. Team work and collaboration was needed to make sure that despite the weather conditions (described on the news as ‘mild’ – a point all who attended would argue against strongly!) good quality data could be recorded. This information will now be used by Year 9’s to create a detailed report into the effects of erosion and tourism on the headland and beach.


A great day was had by all – well done Year 9!



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